Friends of the Library

Friends of the Library

The Friends of the Gatesville Public Library was formed in 1961 by a group of citizens who believed " A good public library is important to the growth and development of a community."  That belief still continues and the Friends still support their library today.

Why become a Friend of the Library?

  • To stimulate greater interest in the use of the Library.
  • To interpret the Library's needs to the community.
  • To assist in maintaining, improving, and enlarging the Library's resources and services.
  • To foster and promote new and innovative ways of involving the Library in everyday life in the community.

Come and join this group of business people, educators, homemakers, students, retirees, all members of the community who want to help make our community a better place to live by providing access to a first-rate library that can continue to be recognized as an outstanding facility in the state. The Friends of the Library has 501c3 status, so all of your donations are tax exempt.